Tools & Methods
All the methods and tools that we use at 360Harmony aim at finding and releasing the underlying emotional or energetic issue that are contributing to, or directly causing, the presenting problem for an individual, group, legal entity, building or object.
Transformational Coaching
Coaching is a conversational based approach to moving someone from where they are, to where they want to be. With Transformational coaching, we explore the client’s inner world of beliefs, assumptions, values, and expectations in order to create greater possibilities for ways of being in life.
The EmotionCode
is a method that allows us to interview the clients subconscious about lingering effects of emotionally-charged events from their past that may still be haunting them in the form of “trapped emotions”. If these trapped emotions continue to fester, they may create discomfort, imbalance, and potential malfunction in the body. They could also extract a heavy emotional toll, impacting the clients thinking, the choices, and the level of success and abundance achievable. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies could gather around the heart, cutting off the clients ability to give and receive love.
The Emotion Code is developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing.
The BodyCode
is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in body and spirit. The goal is to help identify the underlying causes of the clients physical or emotional concerns, then release them in minutes so they can start feeling themselves again. The Body Code is developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing.
The BeliefCode
is an extension of the EmotionCode and BodyCode, that specifically aims to uncover the negative programs and limiting beliefs that are preventing us from realising our full potential. Often acquired in early childhood, these beliefs act as a filter through which we view life that we are frequently not even conscious of. The Belief Code is developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing.
Many of the issues we face in life, be they of emotional psychological or physiological nature, are rooted in unresolved emotional issues that we harbour. Many times we have learned to push these to the back of our mind so well, that it is virtually impossible to bring them up via our rational thinking. This is when CoreTalk can help. With CoreTalk, the practitioner is able to interview the clients body to understand what is stuck and release it. The method combines principles of western medicine with concepts from eastern medicine such as the meridians, chakras and our energy body (chi). CoreTalk enables us to resurface buried issues and release them so the body, mind and psyche can return to optimal equilibrium.
CoreTalk was developed by the founders of the Self Heath Institute.