Since ancient times, humans have crafted and worn jewellery for ceremonial or decorative purposes. These objects are often kept on the person or close to the person for extensive periods of time and are thus in touch with the emotions and energies that their bearer experiences.
Whilst any object or jewel can store energetic baggage in this way, precious stones, such as diamonds, sapphires or rubies are particularly good at doing this due to their structure.
What type of energies do such objects store and where do they come from?
A jewel that has been given as a token of love or used for peaceful and harmonious ceremonies will store the positive energies that it’s surrounded with. Emotions generated in this way may include love, gratitude, respect, self-love, empathy, joy and may more. Jewels may also store negative energies such as secrets, jealousy, hatred, sadness, grief, low self-esteem, conflict.
These emotions may stem from those involved in the excavation of the precious stones or metals, their further refinement process, the creation of the jewel, the purchaser and the wearer of the jewel.
How can the energetic baggage of a jewel affect its wearer?
Just as the vibrational quality of the colour red is different from that of the colour blue, the vibrational quality of love will be significantly different to that of hate. In a similar way, every living being has its own unique vibrational “fingerprint”. We know from physics, that when different vibrations interact, they may modify, amplify, or cancel one another. This same effect will take place between the energetic baggage of the jewel and that of its wearer.
Here is an example based on the emotions of love and hate. The same principle applies to all other emotions.
A wearer that has a heart filled with love and is given a jewel that harbours this same emotion will experience an amplification of this beautiful emotion. Had the wearer harboured hatred when they received the same jewel, they may experience a tempering of the emotion of hatred. Had both the wearer and the jewel harboured hatred, the wearer would have experienced an amplification of this emotion.
The emotions and energies a jewel harbours can therefore be beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to the wearer.
What to expect from an energetic harmonisation
When we harmonise the energetic baggage of jewellery, or anything else for that matter, we preserve the emotions that raise your energy, whilst identifying and releasing those that reduce it. In this way, the wearer will no longer be affected by emotions that may have adversely affected them but will be able to fully benefit from the neutral or uplifting energy of the jewel.
This is particularly interesting when we look at jewellery that has seen multiple wearers, such as family heirlooms or second-hand items. In the case of family heirlooms, the uncovering of energetic baggage will afford us a glimpse into the emotional identities of our ancestors. It is not unusual to hear a client exclaim: “That is so like Aunt Mary! It’s exactly how I remember her!” We may also uncover unexpected facets, that our predecessors intentionally kept hidden. Although we will not know the full detail of the stories that generated the emotions stored in the jewel, we will gain new insight into our family history and emotional makeup and be able to release it.
We should not forget however, that even a new jewel may carry energetic baggage from its production process and the people that were involved in this. Mining and processing of precious stones and metals is no easy task and sadly still involves child labour and a highly dangerous and toxic working environment. It is therefore not unusual to uncover emotional baggage from this process. Similarly, pearls are produced by causing discomfort to an oyster that protects itself by forming protective layers around the disturbing grain of sand, thus forming a pearl.
For these reasons, it pays to produce and source jewels in a responsible and respectful way. If you are unsure of the energetic baggage your jewellery may be harbouring and that may be affecting you, do not hesitate to reach out to us.