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Harmonisation of burgled apartment allows residents to feel at home again

Writer's picture: Ladina GillyLadina Gilly

When Christine and Martin contacted me for a harmonisation of their family apartment, they had just been burgled for the second time in the space of five months after living happily in the same flat for 24 years. Following the second burglary, they no longer felt at ease and at home in their apartment.

To avoid impacting Christine and Martin’s routines with the harmonisation, this was conducted remotely over the space of two days based on the architectural plans provided. Once completed we followed up with a final on-site check to ensure that nothing had been missed.

When we started the harmonisation, it immediately became clear that the energy of Christine and Martin’s flat was being impacted by the difficult energetic baggage present in the cellars and garages below their flat. We were able to clear this before proceeding to release the energies and emotions trapped in the apartment’s physical structures from the time of its construction as well as from previous residents. The apartment building is also located on a site where traces of the first settlements go back to 1591. The diverse historical events that took place here were also contributing to some of the energetic load present in the apartment. We were able to clear this too. Most importantly with regard to the two recent burglaries, Christine brought our attention to an object that they had added to their terrace not long before the first burglary. Upon close inspection it was clear that this object was carrying a significant and negative energetic load that had in effect been attracting undesirable attention to the apartment that resulted in the two burglaries. Thankfully we were able to release this too and the object can thus remain in place.

The apartment is now clear of all the energetic load that was adversely affecting its residents.

When we contacted Christine three weeks after the harmonization this is what she reported:

“It has been three weeks since the harmonisation of our apartment. Initially it took a moment to get used to the new situation. It felt as if the apartment was new to us, as if we had just moved in. We felt as if we needed to retake possession of the spaces. It also felt as though something was missing – which of course it was – but at the same time there was a sense of more space and air. Slowly I began to feel a great weight lifting and a new sense of freedom spreading. I felt more myself, more at peace with myself. The other thing we noticed very soon after the harmonisation, was the augmented sense of harmony amongst us. Our conversations became more fluid and were characterised by more respect and a will to hear the other. Beyond this, I have noted more flow in our respective businesses, we seem to get more done with less effort. Everything just seems to flow… and this has a positive impact on life in general.”

We are very happy to see that Christine and Martin are already experiencing such clear benefits from the recent harmonisation and we look forward to seeing the full effect unfold in the coming months.

This is what Christine and Martin had to say about the experience of working with 360Harmony:

“The harmonisation was conducted by 360Harmony in a very professional way and with great respect for the situation. Ladina made sure that any residents including the family cat that were present in the apartment were protected during the interventions. Given that this process can seem rather abstract it could easily generate a certain amount of trepidation as one does not know exactly what to expect. Given Ladina’s experience, sensitivity, and sensibility we felt we could trust her completely throughout this process. We were briefly taken aback when Ladina took us through the harmonisation report and we realised just how much energetic baggage had been present that we were just not aware of! We were glad that Ladina was there to discuss the report with us in person and answer all our questions as they arose. This gave us a great sense of security. Many thanks Ladina! I highly recommend this service to all, including the sceptics out there.”

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